Autonomous Endpoint Management Manifesto

We in IT face a growing problem when it comes to traditional endpoint management. Legacy endpoint management solutions no longer address the evolving complexities of information systems.

Unchecked complexity within information systems results in:

  • Slow patch and remediation cycles

  • Misaligned solutions

  • End-of-life technologies

  • Hidden configuration and installed-software drift 

  • Increased cybersecurity risk

To meet this need, we propose the Autonomous Endpoint Management Manifesto. 

The AEM Manifesto is a set of principles that prioritizes user-defined automation, proactive security, and collaborative knowledge to elevate endpoint management as a strategic imperative.

Intentional automation over manual task execution

Repetitive IT operations tasks should be automated. Shared reusable human-driven automation solutions let IT work smarter, reducing workload, and minimizing errors. Technology should drive the discovery and remediation of problems, empowering humans to make better-informed decisions.

Proactive security over reactive responses

Security should be the outcome of proactive policy. Fast, automated patching and drift-control minimizes exposure and maintains system integrity. Knowing what (and what not) to automate is critical to reducing attack surfaces and closing doors on bad actors.

Data harmony over data silos

Create, document, and share proactive policies and solutions to foster collaboration between teams and consistency over all IT operations.